This is Purely a ficticious Livery, and does not contain the aircraft, which must be purchased separately.

This is a "HIGHLY" Polished Bare Metal Livery. It is an Old DHC 100 that has just come out of an extensive Rehab for a private individual who requested a Polished, Bare Metal Finish.

In reality, I like bare metal aircraft and I just used it to further my Blender and Photshop Learning, but one I'm willing to share for those that like this kind of aircraft. Is it realistic, probably not, and while I have found some references to older versions that had some bare metal, mainly on the lower half, I hope you will share in my imagination, enjoy!

Got a Fancy set of Props, and stuck it on an old set of floats... Maybe someday we'll polish up the floats, but not anytime soon!

As always, if you find something you just can't live with, send me a private message and I'll see if I can fix it.

Just add this livery to your community folder, or if using an ADDON Manger, were ever that folder is stored.